It is NOT a natural thing that is occurring regarding the bees dying off

Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 10:45:18 -0400
From: mphorn22
Subject: Mary, Bees, 70/30

Dear Mary and everyone else, re the bees.

It is NOT a natural thing that is occurring regarding the bees dying off.  40% of hives dying within one year?  That’s too big a loss.
70% of the problem now is definitely due to Neonicitoids within pesticides, as found to be true by many scientific researchers who have investigated the phenomenon.  It really does need to be looked at seriously.  Mary, it sounds like you’re buying into Bayer and Monsanto “smoke screen” hype.  They don’t want to take responsibility for their actions and have the money to block or smoke screen information that is vital for all of us to pay attention to.

Think about it:  If you take a test and you get only 30% correct, that’s failing.  The 30% correct includes only the ‘other factors’ that used to be the cause for beehive failure.  “Used to be” meaning, prior to the insertion of neonicitoids into pesticides.  Beehive failure, of the massive proportions now, involves the wild beehives too.  So who knows how many of those hives have died off?  Judging by the vastly diminished wild bees in my yard, I’d say the 40% applies there…if not more.

Here are websites that shed more information on bees:
More details on bees:

And here are all of the pesticides that contain Neonicitoids:  Aloft, Arena, Allectur, Atera, Bithor, Caravan, Coretact, Derby, Dino Dominion, Equil Adonis, Flagship, Flower Rose & Shrub care, Gaucho, Grub-no-more, Grubout, Hawk, Inaxxpro, Imada-Teb Garden SC, Imadapro, Imigold, Lada, Malice, Allet Mantra, Marathon, Meridian, Merit, Nuprid, Optigard Flex, Pasada, Pointer Insecticide, Premise, Pronto, Prothor, Safari, Sagacity, Tandem, Starkle: Bounty, Temprid, Tristan, Triple Crown Insecticide, Turfthor, Xytect.

If you gardeners and farmers and anyone else have been using any of those 42 pesticides, PLEASE switch to a bee-safe pesticide.  Chatham County has been in the fore-front of a lot of beneficial change over the years.  Let’s keep doing that by helping to save the bees.  After all, if bees go extinct, so will we within 2 years.

Bee-safe pesticides:

  • Maryphyllis