Comments on HB2 and transgender phobia

Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 13:27:11 +0000 (UTC)
From: stephanie talbott
Subject: Comments on HB2 and transgender phobia

Once again,politics and legislation focuses on fantasied fears. There is no data to suggest transgenders are dangerous. Transgenders and those of sexual ambiguity at birth (by genitalia/ genetics, and previously referred to as hermaphrodites) have been around since the beginning of time. I’m not seeing any data to suggest they are any more dangerous than the rest of the population, and as with the general population,they account for fewer sexual assaults and violence than that which occurs within families.  We have already been sharing bathrooms with transgenders without incident. With this law, it will simply be more apparent (perhaps to the alarm and fears of many), that we are sharing bathrooms with members of the opposite sex.  For the sexually ambiguous at birth (hermaphrodites or more recently termed intersex), or sexual re-assignment for transgenders, the psychological and medical process take years of preparation and intervention and at formidable personal expense.  I hardly think those making such commitments are doing it to gain access to a woman’s public restroom. The law makes the erroneous and false assumption that every birth is either male or female.  It is estimated that 1.7% of births are sexually ambiguous by anatomy/genetics (hence, the term intersex). Gender assignment may occur later, or when a
child/adult better identifies their gender orientation. Prior to this ridiculous law, people had their own sensibility to know in which bathroom they belonged. As usual, this is an invented threat. The real threats to our health and safety are not being addressed.

Please consider getting facts rather than promulgating misinformation and fears:

Stephanie Talbott