Bert Bowe wants clear evidence that mainstream Chatham Democrats endorse Mike Cross and Danny Jenkins

Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2016 14:10:28 -0500
From: Bert Bowe
Subject: Opinions are fine, but please back up broad claims

Regarding Farmer Dell’s 3/2 post:

“Subject: Chatham Democrats endorse Mike Cross & Danny Jenkins”

“Mainstream Chatham Democrats endorse Mike Cross and Danny Jenkins for Chatham County commissioners.”

As someone who personally supports Karen Howard and Mike Dasher in this Democratic primary, I of course respect Farmer Dell’s (Dale’s) right to advocate for anyone else he wants to.

However, I do object to his attempt to assert who “Chatham Democrats” or “Mainstream Chatham Democrats” support – unless he can provide clear evidence to this claim.

Bert Bowe