Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2015 09:40:08 -0500
From: Sue Mannshardt
Subject: Taize Around the Manger
SAVE THE DATE! Friday, December 18, 7:00 PM
St Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church invites you to a service of prayer, silence and the contemplative songs of Christmas.
Something is on the horizon the likes of which we have never seen before!!! This is exciting news! We are about to experience a Mystery such as God has never before shown us. Yet we can miss it altogether if we rush through the month with all our shopping and presents and parties and decorations and..and…and… The invitation is for us to be still long enough to experience what’s about to happen!
*Taizé Around the Manger* is a perfect time to enter that stillness. Come to the sanctuary at St. Bart’s Episcopal Church, 204 W. Salisbury St, Pittsboro, at 7:00 PM on the 18th to gather around the manger. In the candlelight listen again to the story as if for the first time pray, reflect, and sing the contemplative songs of Advent and Christmas. In our watching, in our waiting, may we live in the space where the Mystery is born. And being part of the community waiting for what’s on the horizon will be better with you there!
Taizé Prayer is Christian form of contemplative worship that includes song, scripture and silence. It originated in the town of Taizé, France about 75 years ago, and has spread throughout the world.
For more information, please email me —