Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 09:23:57 -0500
From: “Don Wollum”
Subject: sulfur odor in well water eliminated
Last summer, and more often this summer when our home faucets ran or we showered, there was a sulfur odor that was temporarily remedied by replacing our whole home water filter with a carbon filter insert. These carbon filters worked to stop odor for on average 3 months last year, yet this year the odor returned in just 30 days. We did have our pump replaced this spring, so I can first hand say the submerged pump and 100 feet of plastic pipe were basically clean looking and not an organic hairball of sorts. Online research gave very complex and expensive appliances or huge tri component gallon or more size filters that the inserts were then well over $150.00 to replace on a schedule.
On a whim I called Action Well and Pump in Siler City and they have an “external to the well head simple device” anyone can hook up that was 30 day guaranteed to eliminate the sulfur odor. OK, I was assured by Heather’s confidence, and the next day, the box came and I installed the kit in about a half hour ( long because I needed to hose out and clean the areas around the well structure ). Heather at Action Well and Pump was very helpful and confident and clear when she shared most clients say the odor takes 10 days to resolve, some cases 2 weeks.
One week later our water sulfur situation was much improved and 10 days it was at a trace level, and at 2 weeks we odor free. To make a fair comparison, the day I installed the odor eliminator kit, I ran the pump after installation by turning on the water outside hoses for 20 minutes and then changes our whole home water filter to a plane paper type. For your information, I bought and installed the basic kit for sulfur odor, my thoughts were to test the basic theory of the kit alone, and to not get into changing the extra catalyst cartridge once a year at the well head.
Give Heather a call at 919 663 3755, web site is: link to product is:
Don Wollum
174 S Fawn Forest Ln
Pittsboro, NC 27312