Say goodbye summer and hello fall with Grand Trees of Chatham

Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 21:25:35 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: Margaret Tiano
Subject: Say goodbye summer and hello fall with Grand Trees of Chatham

Goodbye Summer —

A big thank you to Chatham County Parks and Recreation for hosting a Big Tree Ambassador program at their summer camp.  This is the first year they have tried having a “speaker program” for one morning a week at this camp and we were delighted to sign up.  Thanks also to parents at 4-H camp who put us onto this great opportunity.  Find out more about what Parks & Rec is up to: <>

Hello Fall —

The Big Tree Ambassadors after-school program at the Chatham Community Library will be once a month from October through March.  New this year is a duplicate program at the Goldston library.

Fall Hikes —

GTOC volunteers will be leading a hike Saturday, October 10, at Shakori Hills Grassroots Festival <> and are now planning other hikes for fall and winter.

More details soon!

If you would like to sign up to receive advance announcements from the GTOC email list, send an email to <>

Margaret Tiano
Outreach Volunteer
Grand Trees of Chatham – Tell us about your favorite tree!