The Danger is right here in Chatham County, NC

Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2015 09:28:13 -0400
From: Taylor Kish .
Subject: Do we know our Danger?

More and more I am concerned with what is showing up in Chatham County. We love the community events, nice things being done by nice people, interesting classes to learn about plants and horses and welding.

But what is creeping into my view, right here, is Danger right in the middle of our county. This Danger is quiet. Looks rather innocent. Sounds benevolent. Smiles to our faces but is choking the Life out of Chatham County. Stealing our children’s future and the future of our grandchildren.

We see it obviously in the ACTIONS of the Chatham County Board of Commissioners. They all look like such nice people. But let’s look at their actions in light of everything else we are being assaulted by. . .

The BOC acted to value our private property at the top of the real estate bubble. This has produced a huge increase in real dollars and enormous efforts to spend every penny. (IT IS OUR MONEY THEY ARE SPENDING.) County government is wallowing in an avalanche of money while the total number of Chatham County employed, taxpaying citizens has decreased. More Chatham County citizens are now enrolled in Medicaid and welfare, receiving “Disability”, unemployed or underemployed. Most, if not all, “new” jobs since 2008 have gone to illegal aliens. The BOC insisted on paying through the nose for “green” untested, unproven technology in new county buildings. These outrageous higher costs have proven to be wasted.

The BOC schemed outside the budget process to give tens of thousands of dollars to friends who helped their campaigns.

The BOC has been scheming and plotting and pushing to take control of every square inch of county property using Zoning and Planning so property owners must beg for permission to use their property as the commissioners allow.

The Chatham BOC is the FIRST to officially join the DeGrowth Movement ( ) when they issued a moratorium to stop private property owners from using their property within and according to law. Our BOC based their moratorium on fairy tales, rumors, fiction, and scare tactics. Local busybodies, nut cases, and retired babyboomers demanded a WILLING BOC be the first to act. Did YOU realize Chatham County IS THE FIRST??? (BTW, I am NOT proud of Chatham County being first! I am outraged!)

This is OUR freedom and liberty but MOSTLY our children’s and grandchildren’s freedom and liberty BEING STOLEN by five people on our BOC. WE are LESS free and have LESS liberty directly BECAUSE of this action by our BOC.

Add these specific examples to the general public assault from our failing Chatham County School curriculum, struggling local private sector, local impact from illegal aliens.

Do we know our Danger? Our LOCAL Danger?