On Tuesday, September 1, 2015 4:51 PM, Allison Springer wrote:
Do your friends and family jostle for opportunities to eat your cooking? Are you a budding culinary student? Foodie? Cooking Professional? How would you like an opportunity to win $50.00 and the coveted Golden Skillet and prove to both doubters and fans that you are an amazing cook? Each September as a part of the Hoppin’ John Old-Time and Bluegrass Fiddlers’ Convention there is a Hoppin’ John Cook off.
On Saturday, September 19th, the cook-off gets underway from 12 pm until 5 pm. Winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) place are determined by popular acclaim. At 5 pm, the convention suspends its musical program and everyone makes their way to the culinary competition. Attendees then purchase a ballot and a spoon and begin tasting and voting. The cook with the most votes walks away with $50.00 and the Golden Skillet. Prizes are also awarded for 2nd and 3rd place. This competition is one of the highlights of the weekend.
This year we are also offering a business special. If you are a culinary business of a business with an awesome cook on staff and your representative wins the competition, in addition to the cash and skillet, your business will win a FREE COLOR QUARTER PAGE AD in the Shakori Hills Grassroots Festival Program.
For rules and additional information, please go to cook off
Cooking Competition Contestants are also eligible for a refund on their Saturday Admission Fee to the convention, upon verification of their registration and participation in the cook off.
Competition isn’t for you yet you still like to show your culinary stuff? We are also seeking cake donations for the cake walk which follows the cook off. In exchange for a cake, contributor will receive one weekend wristband and car camping for the Fiddlers’ Convention. Interested? Contact us at hoppinjohnvolunteers@gmail.com
Thank you,
Allison Springer
Volunteer Coordinator
Hoppin’ John Old-Time and Bluegrass Fiddlers’ Convention