On Tuesday, September 1, 2015 12:14 PM, Charlotte Glen wrote: The Chatham County Center of North Carolina Cooperative Extension offers a variety of classes on gardening, landscape care, food preservation, and agriculture related topics, as well as 4-H activities for youth, throughout the year. Classes planned for this fall includeContinue Reading

On Monday, August 31, 2015 2:05 PM, N.A. Booko wrote: But close to it. Saturday I packed a meager lunch for my out of town trip. Five fresh cut okra pods (eat raw with salt) a leftover  heal from a loaf of bread and two dried figs. After I wasContinue Reading

On Monday, August 31, 2015 12:16 PM, “Suwattana, Erin” wrote: Join us for a unique new fundraising event to support early education, quality child care and literacy! It will be an exciting evening of dinner, drinks, auctions, games and surprises. What a great way to build a better future forContinue Reading