Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:47:53 +0000 From: Debra Henzey Subject: Chatham’s 9-1-1 Center Earns Top Award and Nationwide Certification April 20, 2015 Contact: Janet Scott, 919-545-8162 Chatham’s 9-1-1 Center Earns Top Award and Nationwide Certification PITTBORO, NC— Chatham County’s 9-1-1 Communications Center has successfully implemented new emergency response programsContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:37:49 -0400 From: virginia penley Subject: Be involved in your community of Chatham Last week I attended a meeting of the Chatham County Executive Committee, a public hearing on Duke Energy’s proposed permit to store coal ash, and the County Convention for the Democratic Party.Continue Reading

Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:31:07 -0400 From: “” Subject: PBO 1st Sunday Artisan Fair/ 5.3.15 Hi Chatlisters, Please come join us on May 3rd for your next Pittsboro First Sunday Artisan Fair. We start at noon and go through the afternoon. We’ve got lot’s going on for both kidsContinue Reading