Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 10:19:15 -0500 From: joueurlargent Subject: Shoutout for CACKALACKY Just like to give a huge recommendation for CACKALACKY, the new tasting bar behind Chatham Mills. Â The bar has a warm and inviting pub feel and the owner, Page, makes you feel very much “at home.”Continue Reading

Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2015 20:28:44 -0500 From: Betty Phillips Subject: Taylor Kish “Chatham Citizen” as he calls himself I just read your post 12/31/14 regarding Maryphyllis Horn’s new book Whispering with Animals. Shame on you! Apparently you do not know the difference between a spiritual book and schizophrenia. WhereContinue Reading

Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2015 15:45:56 -0500 From: mphorn22 Subject: Taylor Kish Oh my, Taylor Kish has once again exhibited his lack of paying attention to what a person is communicating. And that in turn shows his lack of knowledge, i.e., ignorance, about the new field of Animal Communications. InContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 09:06:28 -0400 From: Paul Tierney Subject: Taylor Kish counsels the counselor Taylor Kish said: > > Paul Tierney, Chatlist member and nationally certified counselor with a Masters Degree in Education, recently offered ideas (Chatlist post # 5197 ) to help me communicate better. Thank you.Continue Reading

Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 08:17:28 -0400 From: Paul Tierney Subject: Chatham County Troll Eradication Program Trolls!! Who wants ’em?! Not many, I’d guess. Maybe even trolls don’t like other trolls. Or themselves. But might trolls serve a purpose – perhaps a purpose even they are not aware of? (IContinue Reading