Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 09:12:21 -0500 From: “John R Dykers” Subject: birth control/development That is what you do Brad; a well reasoned post, and talk to our friends. The hubris of our species is a formidable obstacle. We can’t undo the births we already have caused. IMO, we don’tContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 13:11:09 -0500 From: “N.A. Booko” Subject: Hand holding an egg . . Several years ago, I bought two female manikins at the thrift store. I did not need a manikin. Nor did I need two manikins. They were from the heyday of manikin making inContinue Reading

Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 22:39:56 -0500 From: Laura Lauffer Subject: Environmental Policy Briefing and more, Wednesday night at CCCC 2/18 7pm Be sure to come to dinner at the Natural Chef Cafe before the presentation reservations recommended! Hi Friends Please join us and bring your neighbors to hearContinue Reading