Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2015 21:55:19 -0500
From: “”
Subject: Sunday evening cost cutting post
I had a couple of things to share . I found a few ways to save on our meat bill part of the groceries . Compare foods across from Piggly Wiggly in Siler City had a great assortment of meats and will cut anything anyway you like . The one thing that caught my eye was the size of the chicken legs . I had priced some at Wal Mart , the Pig and Food Lion . Compare Foods had the biggest drumsticks for a few cents less per pound but since the size of the drum sticks was almost double that of the other legs at other stores you get more meat than bone . There were 2 fewer drums per pack but since the legs were twice the size you got way more meat for your money than bone and wrapper . The meats at Piggly Wiggly were also better cuts , larger portions and less bone and fat than Wal Mart . Stewart runs the Meat Shoppe across from the Country store going out of Siler City and like Cliff in Carrboro he cuts meats fresh to order the size and portions you want . Between Compare Foods and Piggly Wiggly in Siler City I cut our meat bill and bought better quality meats than I was getting at Wal Mart for half the price . I realized Wal Marts meats are mostly bought prewrapped and what appears to be wrapped in the store doesn’t seam to be near the quality and value of the two stores I just mentioned . I bought some Rib Eyes at Compare Foods we cooked last night that were awesome . We bought 6 rib eyes at Compare for what 2 were priced at Wal Mart . We have fallen into the Wal Mart one stop rut . We bought everything there because it was quicker and we thought cheaper . Its not . I want to write a more informed post soon with some prices and better deals to share as I get better informed of the values offered around Siler City and Pittsboro . I am really looking forwards to trying out Cliffs in Carrboro as lots of folks bragged on his meats and prices . We are going to do something else different we are going to start clipping coupons and trying to see just how much can be saved on things we normally buy .
I hope to post again sometime this week if I can get online . I am cost cutting across the board and I tried to get a better deal on broadband from my current provider Centurylink but they couldn’t help me . The only way to get broadband is in a bundle with a home phone and the cheapest plan they offer is $93 a month including all state and government taxes .Its listed as $56 a month but after all extra taxes and fees we pay $93 a month just for internet . I managed to get a 4glte hot spot that all our computers can link up to the net with for free with a 2 year contract and $30 a month for the extra gig needed for internet use saving us $63 a month added to my current More than Everything plan ( I really love this plan too!) . The only problem is Beth and the kids have laptops that can wirelessly connect to the 4glte base but this computer is one I rescued from a burned down house 5 years ago and it wont link up with it since it requires a cable . I need to figure out how to fix this ,, more than likely with a newer computer I cant afford to buy right now so you may not hear from me for a little while unless I get creative and find a computer in the dump I can fix to get back online with . I am learning to stretch a dime to a dollar like daddy did and I hope to share my success with you as I learn more cost cutting and money stretching tricks Goodnite Mark