Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 13:49:04 -0500
From: “”
Subject: grocery money saving project
I am looking for the best priced meats in Chatham county. I looked at Wal Marts steaks whilst shopping and couldn’t see the gold in the package after nearly choking on sticker shock. Its getting where buying good meats and good food is for the wealthy and the rest of us have to live on peanut butter and bread . I don’t know about you but one can only handle so much peanut butter and bread . It would be a major undertaking to make a complete grocery list and go price every item at every store in the county so I decided to focus on the most expensive items and go from there . I want to share all the information here so everyone can save a few $$ and eat well.
Sale papers never tell the whole story you literally have to go see for yourself and many times the sale items are sold out , very small portions or there is a catch . This is where I am asking for everyone’s help . When you go shop take a small note pad and write the prices per pound of these meats and email me with the results . I will compile them together and share them here on the chatlist so everyone can benefit . I want to get prices on hamburger , 70/30 , 80/20 , t bone steaks , rib eyes , pork chops , ribs , roast and bacon . Do you know of a local butcher who has deals on family packs of meats ? If so please share with us I will follow up on this shortly with where to buy and what deals are best here in Chatham . Goodnite Mark