Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 15:47:29 -0500 From: “N.A. Booko” Subject: Long shadows . . . Today, Sunday was one of those near perfect winter days. Warmish, brilliant sun. I said early on that I would get out and enjoy the day. One thing led to another and I didn’tContinue Reading

Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 11:10:18 -0500 From: Gretchen Niver Subject: Humanist Happy Hour Humanists, atheists, agnostics, deists, nontheists, and post-theists are invited to the friendliest place in Pittsboro, the City Tap, on Wednesday, January 28th at 6 pm for a Humanist Happy Hour. Members and friends of the EthicalContinue Reading

Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 22:11:51 -0500 From: Tanja Lipinski Cole Subject: Calling all crafters & artists…join us every Wed 10 AM starting in Feb! Dear Chatham Artists, Crafters, & Fiber Artists…and any other craft hobbyists or professional artists, My friend (Bonny Rooze) and I would like to invite youContinue Reading