Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 13:55:37 -0500
From: Catherine Deininger
Subject: Next Chatham Conservation Partnership mtg, Jan 15th
The next CCP meeting is Thursday, January 15, 2015 (9:00 am-12:00 pm) and we’ll be discussing the Sustainable Forestry Industry in Chatham County.
Chatham County has a thriving forestry industry, and some of those working in the county strive to balance our need for wood with protection of other natural resources using sustainable forestry practices. Come and learn more about forestry practices in the county from our local experts! Topics that will be covered include sustainable forestry certification programs, developing a forest management plan, and a field trip to view best management practices for logging operations
Please join us at the Stanford M. Adams Training Facility located at the Jordan Lake Educational State Forest (2832 Big Woods Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27517). From the entrance of the Educational State Forest, go through the main gate, then keep following the main road past a yellow helicopter on left and through a second red gate til the road dead ends in the parking lot for the training facility.
9:00 Welcome and Introductions
9:10 Forest Certification Outlook
Mark Megalos, Forestry Extension – NCSU
9:30 An Industry Perspective on Forest Certification
Billy Barnette, Procurement Manager – Moncure Plywood
10:00 NC Tree Farm Program and Forest Management Plan Requirements
Leslie McCormick, NC Tree Program and
Mark Bost, Assistant Regional Forester – Piedmont Region, NC Forest Service
10:45 Break
10:55 How to obtain natural resource data for your Forest Management Plan
Allison Weakley, Conservation Planner – NC Natural Heritage Program
11:20 CCP updates and announcements from members
11:30 Adjourn and/or Optional Tour of an active logging job
See you on the 15th.
~ catherine
Catherine Deininger
Scientist, Environmental Management
Biocenosis, LLC
(919) 302-3162