Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 01:16:26 -0500
From: “”
Subject: Early Christmas post 2014
I have not been feeling very Christmassy this year. I felt a need to share how I feel and use it to help motivate others who haven’t found that warm holiday feeling to keep looking for it. The first thing I want to do is simply share what’s going on in my little world so you can relate to why I haven’t got in the mood yet. It’s not a request for help or begging for anything it’s just a way to get everyone to relate to my particular situation. With that said shall we begin?
By this time every year I have paid all my bills , bought all my Christmas presents and would be working on either Christmas Angel projects or family stuff around the house . In the last six weeks I had a dry grass fire that burned up $600 in tires. Fortunately we did save the truck. We had to deal with Beth’s ticket then I had a fiasco getting a tooth pulled. I developed a bad reaction to the antibiotic prescribed for the tooth abscess that gave me flue like symptoms and a rash. An opening for mama came right after I got paid this month and I either took it or she would go to the bottom of the list. $1300 later she’s moved in and happy but now I have $4.87 left in my bank account and a half tank of gas in our car. We need a few groceries and to pay the light bill plus gifts we haven’t bought. Its 11:37 pm December 20, 2014 and I’m sitting here pondering on how all of this will be taken care of before Christmas.
I am positive there are many of you who can relate to this kind of stress and the economic disparity that can and often does happen this time of year. I remember growing up one of many things my daddy told me was; Things will work out. They may not work out like you want them to but they will work out just have faith. My daddy never lied to me not once and his faith never wavered even through his battle with cancer. He was a rock in the faith department and I never understood just how hard it was on him until something else he told me came to be. Daddy said; Son someday this will all be yours. He wasn’t referring to the things, the property or the fun stuff in life he was referring to the bills, the stress, the responsibility and the grief that goes with it. Once it was (all mine) I saw my daddy in a whole nuther light. He was amazing in more ways than I ever knew and it didn’t come from education, wealth or power it came from pure unwavering faith in god. As I sit here pondering on how all of these things will be taken care of before Christmas I remind myself that his faith worked miracles in his own life. I may not have as strong a faith as my daddy had but something else he told me comes to mind right now. If you have the faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. What better time of year to find a miracle than Christmas. Things happen this time of year that happen no other time. I have a little bit bigger faith than a mustard seed so I am going to find that Christmas spirit I may not find it tonight or tomorrow but I will find it. If you haven’t found that holiday feeling yet keep looking for it. Its there waiting on you to find it
I am going to do two things right now; first I will wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, happiness and joy. The second thing I’m going to do is find another cup of coffee with hazelnut creamer whilst I pull out boxes of ornaments and a tree out of storage
Goodnite Mark