Low taxes grow the base; attracting new business to the county

Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2014 20:31:38 -0400
From: Muddylaces
Subject: Karen C. and raising taxes

Karen, your premise that the county’s only way to invest in the county’s future is to raise taxes is just something I reject.

The conservative policies are about increasing the base. Low taxes grow the base; attracting new business to the county. See the laffer curve. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laffer_curve.

It can be argued that raising taxes, as the democrats have said they will do, will actually lower revenue, chasing business from the county. Then the democrats will be back to raise taxes again and again. That’s what they do, repeat the same mistakes again and again.

Brian Bock, Pam Stewart and Walter Petty understand this concept. You want investments in schools? Let the conservatives continue to grow the base. Revenue trumps tax percentage.

Return Bock, Stewart and Petty