The Christmas Angel thing

Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 21:16:18 -0500
From: “”
Subject: I said I couldnt but I have to .

I said I couldn’t do the Christmas Angel thing this year to a friend . I said I was in an impossible place where I don’t have the money or time to even try to organize any angels this year . Most of the shop angels now have moved or are thankfully employed with full time jobs . I have had a number of things that really hit me hard this year and the last week was the worst leaving me in a not so Christmas frame of mind . I tried the Christmas music and I tried looking at the decorations and lights on everyone’s homes at night and nothing seamed to work . For the first time in my 50 years I simply cant get in the right frame of mind for the holidays .

With that said there is one thing that has kept coming to my mind every time I see a certain lady driving down the road in an oil smoking rolling junkyard of a vehicle. She is quiet and has her daughter living with her and she works almost all the time . They don’t have much and are sleeping on air mattresses according to the landlord . When they moved in they literally had everything they owned in the ragged vehicle they drive . There was no furniture just clothing and a few personal belongings and some groceries . She never asked for anything and never says oh poor me . She works and then works some more doing trivial jobs just to make ends meet . Every day I cross her path in one way or another and so do many others . I wouldn’t be surprised if many of you have crossed her path as she quietly works . There is a need there and as like many other folks who do without and never complain she keeps on hanging on quietly struggling one day at a time . I cant help her and if I could I would give her a decent vehicle at the least . I don’t expect this will put me in any better frame of mind but someone needs to speak up for her and find her a Christmas Angel . We come home to our houses and apartments to eat at a dining room table and sleep on a real bed and we don’t realize just how good we have it .

I could say oh poor me but I have a bed to sleep in and I still have a dining room table to eat on . I said I couldn’t do this but I have to . If you want to be a special Christmas Angel please drop me a note and lets try to help this lady . I think we should all take a moment and realize what we have and be grateful for it . There will always be bills and not enough money to pay them . There will always be stress at the holidays . For this time of year to matter and have its real meaning we must take a moment to be grateful for what we do have and try our best to give hope to those who have none . If you don’t help this lady please look around your own community and go help someone have a little hope this Christmas . Often its the ones who don’t ask for help or voice their struggles aloud that need help and hope the most . Goodnite Mark