Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:51:35 -0400
From: Taylor Kish
Subject: Ugly and hate? A bully?
A democrat liberal says, “THEY want to destroy our environment, THEY want to destroy our schools, THEY want to take money from poor people and give it to rich people.” Bruce Davis says Chatham taxpayers should willingly give to the common good as he defines “the common good”.
Liberal democrats accuse others of ugliness and hate when we don’t agree with them. Almost all of them are retired baby boomers who have nothing to lose. They have no employer who will fire them for their socialist activism. They have no businesses here in Chatham County that will be boycotted or picketed as part of an IM-Moral Monday guerrilla performance for the liberal media. Bruce Davis does not fear the IRS. Bruce Davis will not lose his income to a failed Obama economy while illegal aliens continue to undercut American citizens for jobs. His retirement funds are safe. While our children and grandchildren will be paying off our national debt their whole lives.
I sincerely pray to leave no room in my heart for hate. When you stand up to a bully – is that hating the bully? Bruce Davis holds the republicans on the Chatham BOC responsible for not making up rules and regulations Bruce Davis thinks should be levied on people he hates. Yet I am a hater and a bully for exposing that? Bruce, you are not a nice person.
I do not argue with the U.S. or N.C. Constitutions. I love both. I am passionate about both. So how can Bruce and I disagree? Bruce twists them to destroy our county, state, and nation while I defend and protect and preserve them. Bruce would take our private property so he could redistribute it as he sees fit. Bruce Davis demands politically correct speech while calling disagreement hate speech. Bruce wants to tout responsible individuals, government, and businesses as HE DEFINES responsibility. Because people who disagree with HIS version of “responsibility” are bullies and haters.
Bruce and other liberal democrats never consider the fact they are just plain wrong. We can take comfort in knowing they really are a small (but loud) and aging minority. Somebody should have told them long ago.