What do other people think about the Clay Aiken signs that are out there

Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 07:21:04 -0700
From: Hope Crossing Animal Hospital <hcanimalhospital@yahoo.com>
Subject: Clay Aiken signs

I am just curious to know what other people think about the Clay Aiken signs that are out there. I read on the chatlist a while back about red vs blue, and that some people vote based on the color of the sign, not the name, the platform, the issues, etc. (That to me is a scary thought!)

The Clay Aiken signs have 1/2 his name red and 1/2 his name blue, which could be confusing to some voters. But more confusing would be the “republiaiken” signs that make it seem that Clay is a republican. He is a progressive Democrat that is running against a conservative Republican. Please note that I am not saying one is better than the other, or who I will vote for. I am just saying that these may confuse some people and get them to vote for someone whose policies that they don’t agree with.

I can also understand the line that he is for all NC, not just one party or the other. But his platform and support come from the NC Democratic Party, and so he should be proud to be a Democrat.

Political ads can be mean, distorting, and down right lying. Again, I am not wanting to get into a politics discussion, but just curious to what folks think about the ads.

Thank you, and please remember to vote!



  1. I don’t work for the campaign, but I think the idea is to be less an idealogue and represent all people. I know I have friends to the right and to the left of me, different parties, but we have more in common than differences. We don’t let politics stop us from working together on our common goals.

  2. Actually – Clay Aiken is not a progressive Democrat, but considers himself to be a moderate. He would probably argue the point that he is following a party platform but rather that the issues he is running on are specific to the needs of the people in district 2, NC. The Republaiken signs were not intended to be misleading – but these signs were made specifically for Republicans who were voting for Clay Aiken.

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