Illegal immigrants engaged in a whole series of what appear to be illegal activities

Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2014 06:12:08 -0400
From: <>
Subject: Taylor Kish on illegal immigrants

The anonymous Taylor Kish (whoever he, she, or it may be) makes numerous accusations about illegal immigrants engaged in a whole series of what appear to be illegal activities, including fraudulently applying for and RECEIVING [original emphasis] unemployment benefits, “illegal alien mothers†fraudulently signing up for state and federal benefits, contractors who fraudulently avoid taxes and fail to obtain legally-required licenses, and on and on.

If Taylor Kish (whoever he, she, or it may be) has actual hard evidence that his, her, or its allegations are true, why doesn’t he, she, or it take those to law enforcement authorities for prosecution? That’s what concerned citizens are supposed to do, isn’t it? And those folks have been elected or appointed to prosecute law breakers, haven’t they? Maybe Taylor Kish (whoever he, she, or it may be) can get some of those doughty Republicans to take these cases, since all those wealthy, government employee, retired government/union member social activist Democrats aren’t likely to.

Sorry to say, Taylor Kish’s (whoever he, she, or it may be) anecdotal evidence — including the fact that the people in line for benefits do not speak English and the story she heard from a single contractor he, she, or it happened to meet in Alamance County — isn’t likely to cut it with anyone who actually has to prosecute transgressors.

Or does Taylor Kish (whoever he, she, or it may be) simply prefer to spout off about his, her, or its prejudices?

Pat Cabe