Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 09:02:09 -0400
From: “”
Subject: Im am sorry Kathy Z
Kathy Z
I am sorry and you are right I don’t know you and you don’t know me other than the discussions online here . I dont know if your liberal or conservative . I have confused names before too and as another chatlister mentioned yesterday I guess I have thrown all liberals under the bus too. This was part of my last post about having my attitude put back in check this week .
The reason for me being so jumpy and my ( tude ) as my sister puts it is I have had a few very hot discussions with some self proclaimed extreme liberals lately who just put a bad light on all liberals period in my mind . I have had to deal with extreme liberal stupidity for a few weeks and it has pushed me to my boiling point . There are more moderate liberals just like there are more moderate conservatives . Its those of us who try to be in the middle that make up the majority of voters and bring balance needed for fair government . This is why elections can swing so radically in Chatham County . There has to be liberals and conservatives who find common ground to keep a balance between not spending enough and blowing the budget .
To any moderate liberal ,, I am sorry for throwing you under the bus .. If you have noticed I haven’t said a bad thing about the democratic commissioner candidates for office . I just don’t agree with their platform and I feel the current commissioners are doing a decent job with what they are given to deal with that’s why they have my vote . If you remember when I had my discussion with Virginia P it was about the things they didn’t talk about like , how are they going to pay for all the things they want to change without blowing the budget and raising taxes and cutting money from one thing to pay for another .
Goodnite Mark