Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:13:57 -0400 From: virginia penley Subject: Follow up on the candidates forum I attended the candidates forum on Tuesday along with over 100 other intrepid souls. It was a diverse audience with a good number of Democrats, Republicans and Unaffiliated voters in attendance. As IContinue Reading

Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 13:33:25 -0400 From: “John R Dykers” Subject: Rotary Bazaar – a Service organization raises funds for local community projects. Stephen Thomas is birddogging the Rotary Radiothon, the Thursday before the Brookwood BarBQ plates and Bazaar and Auction with $1000 Pot of Gold and raffle prizesContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 09:32:44 -0400 From: TheNC phoenix Subject: I sit by the fire Re: Christmas. Send cash all of you. Send aone dollar $ each. I sit by the fire:A live wallpaper app. On my phone. I watch Hallmark Channel eating all the Holiday favorites in myContinue Reading