Chatham Library annual Fall Book Sale in Pittsboro on October 9, 10, & 11

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:35:49 -0400
From: Pat John
Subject: Library Paver Sale & Book Sale

Mark your calendar for the Friends of the Library annual Fall Book Sale on October 9, 10, & 11 at the library on the campus of Central Carolina Community College in Pittsboro. The hours of the sale are Thursday & Friday, October 9-10 from 9:00 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 11, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Admission is free, and purchases may be made by cash or check, but no credit cards are accepted. We have an outstanding selection and quality of books and audio-visual materials so please join us! The book sale is held in the Holmes Family Meeting Room at the library, which is located at 197 NC Highway 87 North in Pittsboro. There is ample free parking available at the library and college.

For more details on the book sale and paver sale, please visit the Friends of the Chatham Community Library (FoTCCL) Website. While the old address can still be used, the new and quicker address is:

The Friends of the Chatham Community Library are also selling engraved pavers throughout the year to raise money for our wonderful community library. The sale is ending in a few months so pick up a flyer at the library or at the book sale.

Each paver costs $150 and can contain 3 lines of 15 characters (including spaces & punctuation) per line. Engraved pavers will be installed on the sidewalk plaza approaching the main door of the library. Just check out examples of pavers already installed to get ideas for your own paver!

Library pavers are an ideal way to: Capture a memory; Give a present to a loved one in perpetuity; Recognize an area club, neighborhood team, family, or group; Honor an admired author or book; or Display community support from a business.

What would Your paver say? The paver sale ends in December so don’t miss this opportunity to support your library and leave some of your wit and wisdom for posterity. Pick up a paver order form at the library or contact Pat at 919-533-6966 or at for more information and/or on-line order form.