CCCC Fall Classes in Pittsboro start in August 2014

Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 12:34:46 -0400
From: Maggie Zwilling
Subject: CCCC Fall Classes August 2014

CCCC Fall Classes-August

Professional Artistry & Craftsmanship

Artistic MIG Welding for Beginners
Have fun while learning a new skill as well as making simple creative art pieces. Students will also learn the art of MIG welding and how to do a weld that makes your pieces everlasting! Metal Fee $45.00
Course #: C-3714, Hours: 36
Start End Date: 8/18/14- 2/01/14; Day: M; Time: 6:00P – 9:00P; Cost: 176.25; Location Code: SC; Building Location: Sage; Instructor: Kevin Kuhnel

Welding with an Artistic Twist Intermediate to Advanced
Take your sculptural techniques to the next level! Create a gallery and sale ready piece or just a quality gift. In this class you will learn how to twist and spiral metal, adding to your design techniques. We will also show different finishing techniques and patinas to give your sculpture a more polished, professional appearance. Metal Fee $45.00
Course #: C-3715, Hours: 48
Start End Date: 8/20/14-11/5/14; Day: W; Time: 6:00P – 10:00P; Cost: 121.25; Location Code: SC; Building Location: Sage; Instructor: Kevin Kuhnel

Pottery – Ceramic Design
This course is open to pottery students of all levels. Individual and group instruction will be given to assure the success of the beginning student and to offer challenges to the advanced student. Instruction will offer an understanding of the pottery making process from beginning to finish. Focus will be on wheel throwing, hand building, glazing and firing. Also, presentations and discussions will be given on how to market your pottery and getting started with your own business. Clay fee: $20.00 (two bags will be required).
Course #: C-3709, Hours: 45
Start End Date: 8/19/14-12/2/14; Day: M; Time: 9;00A – 12:00A; Cost: 126.25; Location Code: SCC ; Building Location: Rm. 101; Instructor: Darlene Brady

Course #: C-3710, Hours: 45
Start • End Date: 8/18/14-12/1/14 Day: M; Time: 6:00P – 9:00P; Cost: 126.25; Location Code: SCC; Building Location: Rm. 101; Instructor: Darlene Brady

Course #: C-3711, Hours: 48
Start End Date: 8/21/14 12/11/14; Day: Th; Time:6:00P -9:00P; Cost: 126.25; Location Code: SCC; Building Location: Rm. 101; Instructor: Raymond Edwards

Basic Photography- Creating Art with your Digital Camera
Learn about photographic techniques such as framing, composition, and lighting. Study settings such as focus, depth of field, lens sped, aperture, shutter speed. You will also learn about , framing your short and composition as well as lighting.
Course #: 3296; Hours: 16
Start End Date: 8/19/14-10/7/14; Day: T; Time: 6:30P-8:30P; Cost: $100.55; Location Code: PBO; Building Location: Bldg 1, Rm 225; Instructor: Chris Moses

Creative Writing

Mentored Workshop: Polishing, revising, and submitting work for publication This is a required course for the CCCC Creative Writing Certificate Program. Certificate Program participants must have completed 120 hours of the Creative Writing Program classes in order to count this class toward completion of certificate. Alternatively, those writers not participating in the Certificate Program are eligible to take this class if they have completed at least 60 hours of CCCC Creative Writing Classes or have 10-15 pages of prose or five poems. Class is limited to 10 students.

Course #3766 , Hours: 20
Start-End Date: 8/27/14-10/29/14; Day: W; Time: 6:30P-8:30P; Cost: $181.25; Location Code: PMC; Building Location: Bldg. 1, Rm 226; Instructor: Melissa Delbridge

To register for these and any of our Continuing Education Classes, please call 919.545.8044.

Maggie Zwilling
Continuing Education
Community Services Coordinator
CCCC, Pittsboro Campus