Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 18:08:49 -0400
From: “Tom Glendinning”
Subject: Request a Survey of Independent Voters
Independents, Unaffiliated Voters – What do you think?
Voter registration has changed dramatically in the past thirty years. In 1980, Chatham voted 80% democratic in elections. Registration reflected that loyalty. The weight of the unaffiliated vote can swing any election today.
As of June, 2014, the statewide registration is:
42% democratic 31% republican 27% independent/unaffiliated
Chatham is not much different.
44% democratic 26% republican 30% independent/unaffiliated
This new direction must have basis in beliefs, philosophy and political conviction. I am curious what other independents believe, what motivates the change in parties, what values guide this choice. I use the term “independent” because the official term is “unaffiliated,” which is a true description, but sounds too much like “unqualified,” as on the rifle range. To me, it carries a negative meaning.
I changed my affiliation in 2010. I have listened to many voters on their choices and values. I would like to take an informal poll of independents to understand these changes and why this group is growing. I have been involved with Chatham politics for decades and am more curious than anything else.
If you are a registered “unaffiliated” or independent, please email me so I can send you a survey website for your responses.
Please rest assured that I am not promoting any candidates by this poll, cataloguing anyone’s individual responses, forming another party, or pretending to understand everyone’s motives
If you are a registered independent/unaffiliated voter, and you are willing to take the survey, please reply to this email address. I will send you a link to a web survey site.
The survey is limited to one response per email address.
Thank you.
Tom Glendinning