Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:56:59 -0400
From: “”
Subject: Chatham poly-ticks
I have struggled to wrap my head around politics for the last few years but I have finally seen the light . I learned that even if the statement is true it can be used out of context to make a good politician look bad . I have learned that hope and change comes when you hope a candidate gets impeached because they changed the country and how its allies feel about it in a very negative way . I grew up in a democratic family . I was taught that democrats were the working mans friend and that republicans were for big business . At one time that may have been true but both party’s have deviated from their original core values to a point we have a very inefficient government that’s degrading our credit and respect in the world of nations around us . I started looking at results and promises kept to help guide me towards who to vote for . I abandoned the democratic party as I feel its moved in a direction that is seriously detrimental to our nations stability . Its not a liberal or conservative issue anymore its a power grab .
I feel from the results I have seen the current county commissioners have kept most of their promises and used our tax money as efficiently as they could . There will always be waste and opinions of how money could be spent but overall they locked taxes and managed to keep our country budget under control . I took the time to actually read the articles that explained the fact the teachers would get bonuses from ( increased tax revenue from increased sales ) not increased sales tax . That’s the way our tax money is supposed to work for us . You spend what you have wisely and when there’s extra spend it where it needs to be spent and an incentive for our teachers is definitely a good way to go .
Whether you play with elephants , ride a donkey or drink TEA the fact is its your responsibility as an American ( and a Chathamite ) to be an informed voter . Being informed doesn’t mean you read every bit of trash on your particular political party’s website but study every candidates track record and overall success at doing what they were voted in to do . Chatham County is notorious for mud slinging and nasty politics . I watched as one of the biggest mudslingers crashed and burned this past year in disgrace and it should be a wake up call to us that those who often sling the most mud are doing so to take attention away from their own misguided endeavors . I personally went the independent voter ( unaffiliated ) path and started to become educated on who I vote for . Progressive voters are moving forward, that’s their battle cry but one must remember that you can go down hill moving forward trying to please everyone , you can step into deep poo moving forward trying not to offend anyone , you can walk over a cliff moving forward when you expect government to do it all and fix it all . No matter what party if your responsible you will use your resources wisely while standing still . You will plan your moves , forward , backwards , sideways with educated and properly calculated precision based on what you are given to work with not what you can make others pay for . We don’t need any uncompleted housing developments with roads to nowhere . We need well planned responsible projects that are completed not a progressive pace of uncompleted stalled tasks leading us to higher taxes and nowhere fast . We need jobs and successful business in this county to increase tax revenues and incomes not higher taxes . If I accomplish anything on here I hope I can stop people from buying into the mudslinging long enough to look at the track records and what certain candidates are really bringing to the table to offer us when we vote them in . The Chatlist is a wonderful place to share information , get into deep discussions and reach a lot of people . I want to reach as many as I can to help them stop moving fast and furiously forward long enough to actually stop and look at who and what they are voting for . Get educated , get informed , make your vote really count .
Goodnite Mark