Pittsboro Matters stopped mattering when their “leadership” was exposed directly benefiting

Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 08:12:51 -0400
From: Taylor Kish
Subject: Ok, I’ll bite

Two Chatlist posts today are just too rich to go without comments.  I’ve missed you.

PittsboroMatters stopped mattering when their “leadership” was exposed directly benefiting from its organization.  The “rank-and-file” followers were simply dupes and pawns in the overall scheme.

The inane comments about teacher bonuses made me laugh out loud ( LOL )  Twice.

I am prompted to offer a few truths / facts in reply as a “teachable” moment. . .

The private sector is where our American economy grows and flourishes, or not.  Government does not create jobs that sustain our American economy.  Bigger government grows at the expense of the private sector and our economy.  Government has to take money from the private sector to fund government projects that almost always fall short of private sector performance measurements or fail altogether.

The private sector is shrinking in Chatham County and most counties in the U.S.  (except Washington, DC and its surrounding areas).  Local government employees and teachers are lucky to have jobs at all.  Lots of private sector workers are finding their jobs being cut back in pay and hours because of the terrible effects of the healthcare debacle.  (If you pay more for medical insurance, your take home pay / disposable income is less.)  It WILL get worse next year.

Can anyone tell us how much less money Chatham County government and/or the county school system have to spend this year compared to other years?  I have only heard Chatham citizens are so lucky county government is not asking for another property tax rate increase.  (Chatham County government is taking in MUCH higher revenues because the rates were established when our property values were at their highest in 2008 before the “housing industry crash”.)

Government (and schools) ALWAYS make sure they spend ALL their money for this fiscal year, DEMAND more money next year, and scream bloody murder if they don’t get the full increase promising drastic cuts in performance, drastic cuts in service, mayhem in the streets and “Moral Mondays”!!!