Karen Crowell is proude to be a forward thinking Chathamite living in a backward thinking state

Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 18:42:34 -0400
From: Karen Crowell
Subject: PR for the megasite

I went to the web site to see what I could find out more about the amazing megasite that is ready and waiting for big business to make its way to Chatham County!  You can read about it at http://www.chathamrandolphmegasite.com/

*”Chatham-Randolph is the site to choose* for the strongest state and regional support. Proximity to Greensboro and Raleigh – including the globally-renown Research Triangle – puts metro amenities and services, as well as leading R&D, right at hand. In addition to the site’s outstanding assets, your operation will enjoy the incentives and support of a forward-thinking, pro-business state hungry to attract an automotive or OEM facility and ready to aggressively satisfy your needs.”

“Metro amenities and services right at hand? “Metro as in Raleigh?  Right at hand?  Where’s the mass transit system?  Did Chatham Transit get some new buses?  But wait!  Nobody will have to go to Raleigh anymore!  We’ll have our very own metropolis right here in Chatham County!  Of course it might take a while for amenities and services.  But in the meantime, we can tempt them with empty buses and plenty of traffic!

“Enjoy the incentives and support of a forward-thinking, pro-business state” Incentives?  From a pro-business state?  Oh, you mean we lure businesses to locate here where they won’t have to pay taxes?  Or be subject to any pesky regulations?  Or adhere to any environmental policies that safeguard our drinking water?  Like Duke Energy? Heck, you couldn’t ask for a better role model for people wanting to do business in North Carolina.  Duke Energy wrote the book on how to manage relations with elected officials.  It’s titled “Look the Other Way.”  Autographed by the governor, no less!

Forward thinking?  I think not. Gutting our state’s public education system does not bode well for the future of this state’s workforce. I doubt that the jobs of the future will go to children who attended charter schools where they were taught by people who weren’t certified to teach and didn’t adhere to national standards in education.   Our children certainly won’t be working at the “world-reknown”  RTP with all those scientists doing research and development.  Not if they were brought up thinking evolution doesn’t exist and climate change is a hoax.

“Pro-business state hungry to attract an automotive or OEM facility” Hungry?  Well, the unemployed sure are!  You see, unemployment doesn’t pay!  So we don’t give them food stamps and unemployment benefits anymore either.  Heck no!  A person could starve to death by the time a job came along that paid a living wage here in North Carolina.  We’re a right to work state and proud of it!   But if you don’t have a job, then  tough luck!

Karen Crowell
Forward thinking Chathamite living in a backward thinking state