Chatham County firing range

Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 16:42:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: stephanie talbott
Subject: County firing range

Re. Bob Suber’s post below re. the county firing range;  I have to agree:  Too loud, too frequent, too constant, and late into the night.  I suspect anyone with a rock band blasting the neighbors beyond 10PM would be visited by law enforcement to shut down the noise.  I’m not understanding why law enforcement would not be expected to show the same courtesy to residents and their neighbors. Who do you call when laws enforcement is disturbing the peace?

Minimally, it would be very helpful to have a publicly posted schedule of the firing range use, so we can know that’s not a good time to schedule a child’s birthday party, a backyard wedding, a family reunion, or for those with no particular plans who would like to opt for a hotel that night in order to get a night’s sleep before going to work the next day..

Stephanie Talbott

Date: Tue, 13 May 2014 22:54:20 -0400
From: Bob Suber <>
Subject: Firing Range

OK, my computer says it’s 10:37PM and the folks at the firing range on what used to be Landfill Road (now some more acceptable sounding name) just fired off another barrage of high-caliber weapons.  While it’s simply annoying to us old folks, I wonder if there’s any consideration for infants and school kids in the area – plus, of course, the rest of us who are tired of the noise.
Oh – 10:43 and they’re still firing as I type. I’m retired military myself and fully support our local law enforcement community and I realize they require weapons practice (lots of firing at 10:45, maybe small arms this time), and they likely lease the property to other agencies, but this is a little too much.
I’ll contact the county tomorrow – anyone out there know their procedure or whom I should contact?
10:52PM and no firing for a few minutes – nite nite, I hope