St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church is hosting a Narnia Vacation Bible School from June 16-20

Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 14:47:16 -0400
From: Karen Ladd
Subject: The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe

Calling all VBS kids ages 3-12! St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church is hosting a Narnia Vacation Bible School from June 16-20 with a production of Scenes from the Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe on Saturday June 21. VBS is from 5:30 PM until 8 PM, Monday through Thursday, with Bible stories, games and crafts that all relate to the themes of the book. Dinner will be served, and parents and other siblings are welcome to join us for dinner.

Rehearsal for the production will be on Friday, June 20 at 6:60. OUr play, starring your children will be presented in the sanctuary of St. Bartholomew’s on Saturday evening June 21 at 7 PM. VBS is free! A donation of $10.00 is suggested for the play.Please register for this exciting week by emailing Karen Ladd at, or call the church office 919/542-5679..St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church is a member of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina.

We welcome all kinds of households and all sorts of seekers.We are located in the heart of downtown Pittsboro at 204 W. Salisbury Street. Come visit us on Sundays for services at 8 AM and 10:30 AM, and on Thursdays for Community Lunch. open to all from 12 noon until 1 PM.

Karen Ladd Lay Pastoral Leader

St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church