Hog waste and coal ash waste

Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 19:29:56 -0400
From: carole henry
Subject: hog waste and coal ash waste

Hog waste cesspools.

Excuse me.  Please read the post again.    I said call it what it is. The word lagoon calls to mind the movie blue lagoon……need I saw more?  Seems a sore spot was hit.  Were you one of the ones involved in trying to get a large hog farm located in Chatham  years ago that was stopped by the people who  would  had it next to them?  And human waste goes into  what is called cesspools, not lagoons. They call it what it is.  And human waste cesspools are not allowed to be open.

Coal ash waste dumps.

The information about coal ash dumps was taken from an article called why should you pay for Duke energy coal ash cleanup’.  By Jane Porter.  Which can be found in the Indy Week. Page 15 dated 4-30-14

Has a map of North Carolina featured as well as how many counties are host.

Coal ash NOT dangerous to humans.  Is that a joke?   Why were people up in arms about it getting into the river and into their drinking water?  Instead of assuming anything, find out for yourself.    It is VERY dangerous to LIFE.   That you were told otherwise reminds me of another big company saying seat belts are not necessary and would make the cost of the car rise too much and that other big company who said smoking their cigarettes did not cause cancer…..mean while covering up all the data about all the cancers and other things that smoking can cause and targeting people how glamorous smoking is with their ads of beautiful people all clustered around and having fun, smoking their brains out.

This is called the love of money and power above all.