Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 08:10:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jina Southerland
Subject: Gun Range in Pittsboro!
I am happy to see that there may be a gun range in Pittsboro!!!
I have been having to go to private land or to another city to shoot so having one in my home town will be GREAT! I am hoping it will be open to the public or at least have a membership! And I hope they will let me bring people under the age of 16 as my neighbors kids really enjoy shooting with us!!! They are very safe and attentive and have a blast shooting the 22.
I understand the sounds of the gunfire will probably scare the animals at the goat house but it is what it is. If I bought the land next to the goat house and wanted to shoot my guns as long as I was not breaking any laws NO ONE would stop me. That is the great thing about America
I hate that the animals will be scared. I really do. I have had to deal with someone shooting behind his house and scaring dogs at the kennel I worked at. But the home owner was not doing anything illegal. It was not late at night. He was not pointing toward the house he was behind the house and everything was on the up and up so basically we had to just suck it up and deal with it. tried to sound proof some of the rooms so the dogs did not panic so much.
Again, It is what it is…
I personally am happy. I have several guns and plan on getting a couple more. I want to be able to shoot them. Vs having them locked up in a safe in my closet. so I am excited and cant wait to hear more about the range!! Hope to be shooting there soon!!!