Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 11:13:14 -0400
From: judyhogan
Subject: Judy Hogan’s Lifestyle Support for Writers and Artists
Hogan Workshop for Creative Writers and Artists May 17
Judy Hogan, poet, novelist, and free-lance writer, will be offering her workshop “Lifestyle Support for Writers and Artists” May 17, Saturday, 9 AM-4 PM at her home in Moncure in Chatham County. The focus will be on all the many ways that writers and artists can reliably get their work done, including managing time, money, diet, exercise, so as to live in a healthy, self-confident way, with regular time set aside for creative work. In-class exercises will promote problem solving, freeing up creativity, and setting and attaining goals.
Coffee, lemon grass tea, and homemade bread will be provided. Participants are asked to bring dishes to share in a pot-luck lunch.
Cost for the day is $50. To sign up, send $20 to PO Box 253, Moncure, NC 27559-0253.
Contact: Judy Hogan, 919-545-9932.