They are building a shooting range on private land next to the Pittsboro Goathouse Refuge

Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2014 11:54:59 -0400
From: “Siglinda Scarpa”
Subject: Please sign our petition!!

They are building a shooting range next to the Goathouse Refuge, a non-profit 501c3 animal rescue here in Pittsboro!

A guy bought the property attached to our land and he has been cutting down all the trees and flattening down all the land to make a shooting range. It is literally 400 ft from the Sanctuary! We have employees, many volunteers, many visitors, schools coming every day and we fear for the safety of the animals, cats, dogs, goats.

Please, sign our petition to stop it!!! Pass it on to your friends, post it on your FB! We need all the help we can get because there are no regulations that could stop the private owner of the land to do it.

Thank you!