Entire town of Bynum will be moved to the Southern end of Chatham County

Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 11:19:27 -0400
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: Bynum going South . .

It was announced today, after years of discussions, debates and speculation, that the entire town (and surrounding areas) of Bynum will be moved to the Southern end of Chatham county. This does not include adjoining properties to the East, owned by A.M. Dwatson, Paul E. Puretatt, Mildred and William Solivant, Pearl and David ‘Luke’ Haver, Soluta and Ovarta McKleesion, Jettervon and Ellesant Pogger.

The move will make it possible for peoples, businesses of Orange County to move more easily to Chatham Park. The area will be elevated, flattened and made to look as natural as possible. Since there would be no reason for the peoples, businesses of Orange to drift either North or East of the project, Thwart walls will not be needed. Work on the project will begin as early as September 2015. There will be not evictions as each and every house, building and structure will be moved intact, with the owners choice of 14 shrubs, trees, flower boxes or the like, to make it seem as if nothing has changed. The town will be renamed with a more-to-date hip name- Bynumington.

The move, the change is expected to benefit all.

N.A. Booko

April 1, 2014