Fiber Broadband in the News

Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 09:36:51 -0400
From: J Gibson
Subject: Fiber Broadband in the News

I don’t know how many of you have seen the news releases about the large fiber network that now crisscrosses the state but evidently it was installed by a company out of Shelby, NC called RST Fiber.  I looked at the map of their currently installed fiber lines and none of them are in the areas of Chatham that so desperately need them but I contacted the company on behalf of Broadband4Chatham and received the following response:

“Thank you for your interest in RST!

We will be coming your way, I do not have a definite ETA, at this time.

Please visit our website…… Enter your info under the “Request Service” tab… This database gives us the areas of majority interest … These will be first served… You will be electronically notified when your area is activated & service is available.
I recommend any in your area that may be interested, also register.
Have a nice day!

Gail Langston

I’ve become very cynical in dealing with the issue of broadband here in Chatham and am reading between the lines and seeing “if we deem the area to be profitable” where she has written about the areas of “majority interest”.  I did write back and point out that people without any internet access at all can hardly be expected to visit a website to express interest!  It would also be difficult to notify them electronically!

But, the more competition for services, the better for Chatham and RST Fiber is touting an extremely fast internet plus several other services so I encourage everyone who possibly can to contact them and indicate an interest in their services.  This is not a sign up with their company but merely a way to let them know that their company would be considered for the various services they offer.  Even if you already have service, it would be wise to register with them as they may provide even better service than you already have.

If we get further information, we’ll definitely pass it on or you can contact