Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 16:20:46 -0500 From: amy Subject: Google Fiber and Chatham Google Fiber has just announced that is has 34 cities/locals on deck  for installation of Google Fiber Service. Raleigh/Durham/ChapelHill/Carborro  is under consideration and google  has asked the locals to contribute data such as accurate maps withContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 09:50:51 -0500 From: chathammatters Subject: Sustainable Development Sustainable Development – we’ve heard much from Pittsboro Matters/Chatham Coalition about how Chatham Park needs to implement Sustainable Development, but what exactly is Sustainable Development? Where did Sustainable Development originate? The term Sustainable Development was first introduced toContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 07:36:27 -0500 From: “Gretchen Smith” Subject: CCP’s 2014 Exploring Nature in Chatham Spring Outings CCP’s 2014 Exploring Nature in Chatham Series – Spring Outings Sunday, April 13th from 1:30 to 3:30 PM:  Wetlands Restoration at Pittsboro’s Town Lake Park (Free) Discover “Pittsboro’s Hidden Treasure”, aContinue Reading