Pittsboro Matters and the Chatham Coalition is very far left wing

Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 23:21:40 -0500
From: chathammatters
Subject: Pittsboro Matters/Chatham Coalition is very far left wing

Karen Crowell, In the past you’ve said that I was a “business woman”.  Why you said it I can’t possibly say, I most certainly am not a business woman.  Now you’ve said that that I called “Pittsboro Matters a hateful lunatic fringe group”, I have not ever said that, so… why lie?

Pittsboro Matters/Chatham Coalition is, to be sure, very far left wing and they did a great deal of damage to our County when they ran the County, but I haven’t ever called them a “hateful lunatic fringe group”.

If you wish to express such sentiments yourself, feel free to…  But do not ascribe these sentiments to others when they’ve never expressed them.  I would ask you to stop this behavior, but I suppose that’s too much to ask as you are a frequent flyer, it appears to be habitual.

As for job security?  The political culture at UNC is monolithic, it is simply not possible to express conservative, centrist, or libertarian views without risking your career.   I’ve explained this before in response to a prior disingenuous post from you.

But let’s end on a positive note, perhaps the only thing we will ever agree about.  Donna Bianco has done everyone a great service in her description of the realities of starting and running a small business and restaurant.  Her food is excellent and deserves support from all of us.  She deserves it because she has earned it and because her food is great!!