John Alderman never informed us he was paid by Rocky River Heritage Foundation to perform tests on the Rocky River

Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 22:02:46 -0500
From: Taylor Kish
Subject: John Alderman’s well stated target

Back on Nov. 5 I reserved judgement on John Alderman’s post #4793 because he sounded interesting and knowledgeable.

John Alderman never informed us via this Chatlist he was paid by the Rocky River Heritage Foundation to perform tests on the Rocky River.  The RRHF obtained money from the EPA and Chatham County to pay for John Alderman’s “study” and sue Siler City for allegedly polluting the Rocky River.  (I don’t know how the suit was, or whether, decided.)

This is how liberals operate.

Retired Baby Boomers obtain grant money from our Board of Commissioners saying they only want to ensure clean water.

They get grant money from the EPA by making it clear, being specific, they will use the money to attack evil polluters.  Then they look around for who they can blame for pollution.  And the leaders of the “foundation” stand to benefit from the cleanup in several ways.  But we are expected to believe they only want to ensure the earth is protected?  Private sector polluters will be made to clean up the pollution but monitored by the “foundation” to ensure it is remediated “properly”.  Municipalities (like Siler City) will be forced to seek EPA money to clean up their pollution using people like John Alderman who are “experts” at spending grant money.

Liberals get grant money from well-funded non-profit foundations (like the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation) dedicated to the destruction of our Constitution, private property rights, destroying the private sector and capitalism.

Theirs is an incestuous cesspool of obtaining and spending other people’s money INSTEAD OF THEIR OWN to bring down the very systems that make it possible.  Using tax-free dollars to hurt the private sector (money obtained freely in the market place) while growing their own riches from money taken by taxation.  Using Chatham County tax dollars to sue us!  Thank you, Democrat Chatham County BOC BEFORE the Republicans were voted in.  Democrats giving money to fellow Democrats to get more money from taxpayers.

So you see, Jane Forbes, it IS about MONEY.  Grabbing all the “free” MONEY you can get from people who make this country work and giving it to people trying to destroy our country.

This is NOT a nasty, derogatory statement against John Alderman or anyone else or any stupid (though highly educated) lawyer.  I think John Alderman should have disclosed he was paid by RRHF to obtain proof of evil polluters were causing devaluation of property along the Rocky River. If anyone looks into who and what is REALLY driving PittsboroMatters, IMO you will clearly see it is MONEY.  It is ugly but all too true.  And the
stupid dupes who glibly follow along are pathetic.  How much will YOU contribute to PittsboroMatters to stop those evil, privately funded developers?  How much grant money will be given to the leaders of PittsboroMatters to sue Chatham taxpayers?  (And if I don’t get rich from private donations to PittsboroMatters, oh well, it did not cost ME anything.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.)

How much (extortion) money will have to be given to the leaders of PittsboroMatters to quiet down?  How much of this “outrage” is due to somebody not being given under-the-table money or not included in the proposed outcomes?  Will Preston Developers calculate it cheaper to include some OTHER developer with hurt feelings because he was not invited to the party?  Will some PittsboroMatters leader quietly say to some elected official, “I control a HUGE group of people (though ACTUAL numbers are really small) who will excoriate you during the next election cycle UNLESS you grant me a permit, or give me grant money, or purchase land from me, or cite a park next to my future development” et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseam.