Tim Smith and the Preston Group ARE listening to our input, they DO want our input

Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2014 15:02:02 -0500 (EST)
From: Maryphyllis
Subject: re Pittsboro Matters & Bella Donna

In  Chatham Chatlist #4871 Kim commented on the polarization that many of the posts about Chatham Park have taken.  I agree!

One of those is the attitude toward Pittsboro Matters.  A lot of you complain that they don’t want Chatham Park to be done at all.  Well, you didn’t hear my attitude when I first heard about their stance, and even after one town meeting.  I was convinced that they were here just to get all of us nay-sayers to go along with okaying CP hook line and sinker.  Others have privately said that to me too.

Now doesn’t that say something to you who think that Pittsboro Matters is solely against the whole project?!  That they really aren’t solely on the none-at-all side nor solely on the do-it-all side?!  That they really are in the middle as they say the are?!  That they really are in existence to make sure ALL of us have a say in what happens with how the project is done?  If you want your voice heard in a constructive way, you have to become actively involved.  Get yourself on one of the committees.  That’s what I’m doing, specifically regarding the issue of preserving Wilderness.  (see my posting about “The Value of Trees” a couple weeks ago.  If you missed it, send me an email and I’ll forward it to you in the exact form it was posted.)

Pittsboro Matters really is listening to all sides of the issue and really is here to make sure EVERY view in this town is taken into account on this H-U-M-O-N-G-O-U-S  CP project!  NOW is the time to have our say re CP.  Because NOW is the time that our town leaders are still involved with the over-all impact of the project.  Tim Smith and the Preston Group ARE listening to our input, DO want our input.  NOW is the time to assess the effect the project will have on the water supply, which, by the way, is the largest concern for its viability.  Without water, none of us would survive here and the whole town would dry up.  Furthermore, trees and forest are significant to bringing us water, oxygen, cleansing the air, protecting against high winds, protecting against flooding, protecting the land for crops, etc. See my post on Value of Trees, for details.

My heart goes out to you about the higher costs.  At the same time, I’m glad you’re using local and organic foods.  I didn’t know that until I ate there the first time.  I personally put a lot of money into eating 95% organic and local sustainable foods because I know they contribute to very good health and very low medical bills.  Because of that AND good tasting food, I don’t mind paying you and Oakleaf and Roadhouse more for meals.  98% of organically grown foods are laboratory-GMO free, which means vegetables and fruits that don’t have pesticide genes nor fish genes built into them like 75% of the conventionally grown ones do.

Your food is excellent.  Your reputation is excellent.  Hey everyone, eat there!  There’s food in various price ranges too.
