Relay FORE Life golf tournament at the Golf Club at Chapel Ridge on Saturday, April 26th

Relay FORE Life golf tournament at the Golf Club at Chapel Ridge on Saturday, April 26th

Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2014 13:18:53 -0500
From: Karen Crisp
Subject: Relay FORE Life Golf Tournament!

The Chapel Ridge Champions team will be holding our forth annual Relay FORE Life golf tournament at the Golf Club at Chapel Ridge on Saturday, April 26th at noon.    We are looking for Hole Sponsors, raffle Items and players!    Proceeds go to the Pittsboro Relay for Life and the  American Cancer Society.

If you’d like to sponsor a hole, donate gift certificates or items for the post game raffle, or play golf, please contact Phil Sutphin at or myself for more information.

“Fighting Back Against Cancer”
Karen Crisp
LPGA Teaching Professional
Cell 919-263-6394