People have come from all over to settle in Pittsboro because of what Pittsboro has to offer now

Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 09:10:42 -0500
From: carole henry
Subject: Prestons news blip plus

So Prestons developers spent more then 100 million………..was that only on land or was it on the hand?

They sure will transform Pittsboro.  Take a ride to Cary.

It has to be asked, where will the water come from?  Where will the sewage go?    Then there is the question……..are the mineral rights with the deeds to these homes? Do people who will be looking at this development to buy, know about the water pollution that is happening now.   Do they know about developers withholding mineral rights from the sale of homes and so ask the right questions.

Then the question, WHAT  is WRONG with a small town?  People have come from all over to settle in Pittsboro because of what Pittsboro has to offer now. A good place to raise a family in.

I remember over 25 years ago, attended a meeting for the betterment of Siler City.  One woman stood up and said she moved to Siler City only because she could not afford CARY!!!!!!     What possible good could she ever do for Siler City and the people whose home it already was, when she disliked it so and held it in such contempt?

I kept moving when the places I liked and lived in became over crowded with the dirt, trash, crime and rush of the modern suburban developments and coming with them you have the restrictions.  They don’t like the smell of cows or horses or sheep or goats or other barnyard animals.  They don’t like the country.  So more restrictions on what you can have on your own property.  Your taxes go up to pay for the roads, water and sewage and schools.

Don’t think people who live in nice places don’t dump trash on the road.  One day on Raleigh st.,  while driving behind a late model gold SUV, saw a woman put her hand out of the window, right across from Capital Bank, and dump a handful of trash.   I was shocked.

Then there is the small business.   Most small business fails.   I went to a class about starting a business and it is a very  scary jump to start your own business. You must have enough capital to keep going for at least a year.  Like hold onto your main job until you are successful.  Once you have a small business growing, then the question becomes do you expand and how much.   All of this I learned while living on Long Island.  A concrete jungle now.   With all those people living there, business still fails.

Some, for reasons that did not hit you in the face.  IE   My boss opened up a store that was like the box pet stores of today.  However the traffic was so bad, you could not make a left turn onto the road from that store’s parking lot and it was hard making a left turn to get INTO the store lot, PLUS the parking was not enough for the stores size.  Just for that reason the business failed. When traffic is so bad, no one gives an inch.

When you have a small business you have to be on top of its operation because NO ONE has its best interests at heart as much as you do.  A friend and I went to a nice  eating place.   The plate I ordered came with a nice sauce over pasta.  The sauce was great but the pasta under it was cool and in one piece.  It was the first time for us there and it was a shame to have that happen.   I now question how many other times could it have happened to other clients eating there.   That would stop them from coming back.

In this day and age,  people are still feeling the effects of a bad economy.   Too many still have no jobs.  As much as they would like to, they still can not go out that often to eat  or enjoy other entertainments that cost money.  The cost of gas, heating and other expenses has risen to incredible heights.   Would you have believed twenty years ago that a lemon would cost more then fifty cents each today?

Nuf said