Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 21:53:53 -0500
From: samantha capitol
Subject: Keep it in PBO

I have been surfing around the internet and found this face book site called “Keep it in PBO”.

Interesting site:

I also have followed the HD 54 replacement.

It looks like Voller’s friend Starkweather has given up his chase and endorsed Dr. Lucier.

Apparently everyone else has dropped out except for a candidate from Lee County named Robert Reives and the former Chatham County School Board chair, Kathie Russell.

The decision is this week.

I wonder who the GOP will run as their candidate?

Two time loser Cathy Wright?

CCGOP Chair Jim Duncan?

Perpetual candidate Bill Crawford?

Commissioner Brian Bock?

This will be an entertaining fall in Chatham County.