The Great Moodie Geetee . . .

Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:22:52 -0500
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: The Great Moodie Geetee  . . .

As I look for something in my vast collection of ‘can’t do without’, I am at this point unable to decide which is good clutter and which is bad or useless clutter. Feng Shui became so enraged and disgusted with me decades ago, it walked out and has never returned. I can’t blame it, I am about to walk out too. But then, I would need to find new clutter.

Books I don’t read, records I don’t play, vases I don’t use, paintings I don’t hang and broken stuff I don’t pick up. I have managed to hang on to all of my high school year books. I know they are in there somewhere.  Sometimes if I am looking for a hammer, I pick up an old year book and relive the past.  Today I picked up one from 1952.  As I glance through it, I see that I was once slim and without wrinkles and obviously unaware of what was waiting for me in years to come.

On the pages for autographs, there was one from Peggy – “Dear Moody- I do hope upon graduation you will finally find out where the sun shines best”-  She was referring to the fact that one of my favorite songs was “Swannie”-  ‘the sun shines East, the sun shines West, but I know where the sun shines best.”   But the name Moody stumped me for a few seconds. Then it dawned on me- She meant Moodie- as in The Great Moodie Geetee. My other persona

Beginning about the eighth grade, I fancied myself quite the entertainer.  I would put on impromptu shows during  lunch hour at school.  I sometimes would wear outlandish outfits and speak an unknown language (gibberish)- It was great fun and I often regret that I have grown up and am no long able to make a fool of myself. Heavens knows I try.  I really miss  The Great Moodie Geetee.  .  .

It is so disappointing no one ever asks Moodie to return from the past and put on a performance. . .  Well, I’ll swannie- I was just fixin’ to .. . .

“Olisina  wereston la la antonizes verletta”

N.A. Booko

N.A. Booko lives and daydreams in Chatham County