A new Pittsboro book club at the Chatham County library is being launched

Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 08:43:35 -0500
From: “Susan Rodgers”
Subject: New book club

Hello Everyone,

My husband is starting a new book club meeting at the Chatham county library. Info is below; you can email me, or him,  with any questions.


A new book club is being launched!

Preliminary name is:          Science+Technology=BookClub

Preliminary thesis: to read books and articles about the facts of the world from archeology thru math thru physics thru zoology by any scientist of any era.  Non-fiction books may be explored, IFF it teaches some fact meaningful to the group.

Preliminary meeting:  11Mar2014, 2pm, Holmes Meeting Room at CCL

Preliminary agenda:  Intro & sign-in > Over-view of latest book [author’s bio and history] > general review > how did this book affect the world > what to read next? > then adjourn with a fuller brain!

No Admission cost…No previous experience required..Geeks and nerds are welcome..No proofs needed but a Q.E.D. will be provided…No pocket protectors expected, and slide rules are allowed!

Suggested first reading: A Brief History of Time by Hawkins

Moderator:    Clayton Rodgers wcrrun@nc.rr.com