Vaccination in the middle of the season often results in shot today and coincidental flu tomorrow

ate: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 09:33:40 -0500
From: “John R Dykers”
Subject: Joe’s post #5 on 11 Jan 13

Thank you so much for the compliment, but I have usually found Brad Page’s posts to be more thoughtful than opinionated.
It is useful and sometimes difficult in our conversations to choose our words carefully enough to convey true meaning. This care enables us to see where and about what we truly agree or disagree.

And some things just pull our triggers! Like I get really riled up about radical jihadist killings that target aid workers trying to vaccinate children and erradicate polio AND the CIA posing as health care workers to find bin Laden, even as I was so glad we found him. But we were sooooo close to erradicating polio like we had erradicated smallpox. Maintaining disease free state is soooooo easy compared to continued surveillance and containment of repeated outbreaks. Not only would so many be spared polio, but all those skills and that money could be moved on to other illnesses.

Right now I am furious with the network reporting/commenting and the CDC position and comments about flu vaccination. They keep repeating “It’s not too late to get vaccinated.” True, but repeatedly missing a golden opportunity to urge EARLY vaccination NEXT September! Vaccination in the middle of the season often results in shot today and coincidental flu tomorrow and blaming the vaccination, telling everybody the shot caused the flu and resulting in LESS vaccinations next season.
John Dykers