Rock Ridge Park in Pittsboro lacks sign to denote location

Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 15:14:35 -0500
From: Meg Newark
Subject: Rock Ridge Park

I also would like to add that Rock Ridge Park is lovely. I still have one beef however, and that is the lack of a sign provided by the town to denote the location of said park.

Seems kind of crazy to spend the time, effort and money to make such a nice park and not make signage. I for one consistently forget which road to take. I know I am not alone as others have also commented that a sign would be appropriate. Seems the Parks & Rec Dept would want to remind everyone where it is since it is such a nice park and thankfully,  more appropriate now that my children are  older. Before someone gets their knickers in a knot…We loved Kiwanis Park when our kids were younger.

Still a great park…with a sign FYI. Just my thoughts and I have made mention of this numerous times to the Parks Dept. with no response.

Meg N.