Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 16:48:46 -0500
From: Betty Phillips <>
Subject: 160 Holiday presents.
I don’t actually have 160 presents wrapped for you, but I do have 160 articles you can read on my website, www.BettyPhillipsPsychology.
Hopefully you’ll have some time this holiday season to sit back and read a few articles. If you are suffering from holiday issues you can find pertinent information. In the Reading Room, “Jingle Bells: Do You Have
Time to Listen? Coping With Holiday Stress”; “Happy New Year: Are You?”; “New Years Resolutions: Self Improvement.” In the Advice Line: “Holiday Travel: Happiness or Stress?”; “‘Tis The Season To Be Jolly: Are You?”
You can also peruse these two sections for a variety of articles on issues including happiness and positivity, coping with stress, relationship and marriage issues, winter blues, self esteem, boredom, anger and assertiveness, people pleasing, procrastination, panic attacks, insomnia, ADD, introversion, just to mention a few of the many other topics. My last two articles related to Summerland; do you know what that is? I’ve also been writing a lot lately about kindness and compassion; it seems we could all use more these days. Lets stay in the holiday spirit, not just buying presents. Lets remember the angels bending near the earth, singing of peace on earth and goodwill to men!